Guru Purnima, a festival traditionally celebrated by Hindus and Buddhists.O On this day, worship disciples or show respect to their Guru, it falls on the day of full moon, Purnima, in the month Ashadh (June-July) of Shaka Samvat, Indian national calendar, Hindu calendar. Traditionally, the festival is celebrated by Buddhists in honor of Buddha gave his first sermon on this day in Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, India. Even Hindus celebrate it in honor of the great sage Vyasa, who appears one of the greatest gurus of the ancient Hindu traditions, and a symbol of guru-shishya parampara, Guru Disciple tradition. Vyasa was not only believed to have been born on this day, but also to have started writing the Brahma Sutra of ashadha Sudha padyami and ends on this day, so their recitations as a dedication to him, is organized in this day, which is also known as Vyasa Purnima.
Festival is common to all spiritual traditions of Hinduism, which is dedicated to expressing gratitude to the teacher of his her disciple.H Hindu ascetics and wandering monks observe this day by offering puja to Guru, the Chaturmas, a four-month period during the rainy season, when they choose solitude, and stop at a chosen place, some also give discourses to the local public. Students of Indian classical music, which also follow Guru shishya parampara, celebrate this festival, around the world.
Gururbrahmaa gururvishnuh gururdevo Maheswarah |
Guruh-saakshaat Parabrahm tasmai shrigurave namah ||
"My homage to Guru is Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara. The Guru is Para Brahma incarnate "
Devotional worship of the Guru, is one of the most moving and uplifting element in the Hindu cultural tradition.
The Guru in Hindu tradition is seen as an embodiment of God himself. For it is through his grace and guidance to achieve the highest state of wisdom and happiness.
Who is Guru?

Bhagavadgita gives guidelines and qualities of a true Guru. A real Guru credentials to impart true knowledge free from speculation and never claims that he is god. He knows that God is sovereign and we are subordinate to him. He knows the truth and the life is free from lust, anger and greed. He exemplifies wisdom, peace, temperance, frugality, piety, tolerance and strong faith in God. He must be from a succession.
Disciple develops a strong love for the guru who delivers him from the bondage of birth and death. Bhagavadgita shows that when Arjuna was confused about their duties, putting his faith in Krishna, considered him as his Guru, when Krishna showed him the right way. The Guru is a man of deep intellectual and spiritual sensitivity and compassion. The scriptures state that initiates (Deeksha) must be taken from a Guru. On Guru Pournima day, we ask "Oh Guru, you are father, mother, brother, friend, knowledge and wealth. You are everything to me and god of all gods.
The full moon day in July, is the Hindu auspicious day was observed as Guru Purnima, celebrated by worshiping our Guru, the spiritual master, who taught us the divine love, by performing the Pooja is performed to fatigue to him.T The correct name for this day is Vyasa Purnima.
This day is sacred to the memory of the great sage Vyasa. That was the great sage Vyasa, the son of a fisher woman, (Satyavathi) who classified the accumulated spiritual knowledge of the Vedas under four heads - Rig, Yajur, and Atharva Saamen. The credit of composing the authentic treatise of Brahma-sootras the background of the Vedas is to explain to him. He completed the codification of the four Vedas and writing the eighteen Puranas on this day.
That was the day when Krishna dwaipayanaVyasa, author Mahabharatha was born. Due to the passage of time, Vyasa Purnima came to be called Guru Purnima All Hindus are indebted to this ancient saint. Vyasa even taught Dattatreya, who is considered the guru of gurus. There are the fitness of things that Vyasa should be regarded as the supreme educator of humanity. Offer of worship means to him the adoration of the masters of all times.At the time of Guru deeksha absorbs the sins of the past and the karma of his disciples and reveals true spiritual knowledge.The History and the Puranas is said to be the fifth Veda. " " Vyasa "meaning" to edit "or" share ")
The significance of Guru Purnima
This day is of deep significance for the farmers because it announces the setting of much needed rains, as the advent of cool showers denominated new life in the fields.These gifts are" Gurudakshina " This is a good time to begin your spiritual lessons. Traditionally, spiritual seekers commence to intensify their spiritual 'sadhana' from this day.
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